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-- 增加配置
create table trade_config
id bigint auto_increment comment '自增主键'
primary key,
brokerage_enabled bit default 1 not null comment '是否启用分佣',
brokerage_enabled_condition tinyint default 0 not null comment '分佣模式0-人人分销 1-指定分销',
brokerage_bind_mode tinyint default 0 not null comment '分销关系绑定模式: 0-没有推广人1-新用户',
brokerage_post_urls varchar(2000) default '' null comment '分销海报图地址数组',
brokerage_first_percent int default 0 not null comment '一级返佣比例',
brokerage_second_percent int default 0 not null comment '二级返佣比例',
brokerage_withdraw_min_price int default 0 not null comment '用户提现最低金额',
brokerage_bank_names varchar(200) default '' not null comment '提现银行字典类型=brokerage_bank_name',
brokerage_frozen_days int default 7 not null comment '佣金冻结时间()',
brokerage_withdraw_type varchar(32) default '1,2,3,4' not null comment '提现方式1-钱包2-银行卡3-微信4-支付宝',
creator varchar(64) collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci default '' null comment '创建者',
create_time datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null comment '创建时间',
updater varchar(64) collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci default '' null comment '更新者',
update_time datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '更新时间',
deleted bit default b'0' not null comment '是否删除',
tenant_id bigint default 0 not null comment '租户编号'
) comment '交易中心配置';
-- 用户表增加分销相关字段
alter table member_user
add column brokerage_user_id bigint not null comment '推广员编号';
alter table member_user
add column brokerage_bind_time datetime null comment '推广员绑定时间';
alter table member_user
add column brokerage_enabled bit default 1 not null comment '是否成为推广员';
alter table member_user
add column brokerage_time datetime null comment '成为分销员时间';
alter table member_user
add column brokerage_price int default 0 not null comment '可用佣金';
alter table member_user
add column frozen_brokerage_price int default 0 not null comment '冻结佣金';
create index idx_invite_user_id on member_user (brokerage_user_id) comment '推广员编号';
create index idx_agent on member_user (brokerage_enabled) comment '是否成为推广员';
create table member_brokerage_record
id int auto_increment comment '编号'
primary key,
user_id bigint not null comment '用户编号',
biz_id varchar(64) default '' not null comment '业务编号',
biz_type tinyint default 0 not null comment '业务类型0-订单1-提现',
title varchar(64) default '' not null comment '标题',
price int default 0 not null comment '金额',
total_price int default 0 not null comment '当前总佣金',
description varchar(500) default '' not null comment '说明',
status tinyint default 0 not null comment '状态0-待结算1-已结算2-已取消',
frozen_days int default 0 not null comment '冻结时间',
unfreeze_time datetime null comment '解冻时间',
creator varchar(64) collate utf8mb4_general_ci default '' null comment '创建者',
create_time datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null comment '创建时间',
updater varchar(64) collate utf8mb4_general_ci default '' null comment '更新者',
update_time datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '更新时间',
deleted bit default b'0' not null comment '是否删除',
tenant_id bigint default 0 not null comment '租户编号'
comment '佣金记录';
create index idx_user_id on member_brokerage_record (user_id) comment '用户编号';
create index idx_biz on member_brokerage_record (biz_type, biz_id) comment '业务';
create index idx_status on member_brokerage_record (status) comment '状态';
create table member_brokerage_withdraw
id int auto_increment comment '编号'
primary key,
user_id bigint not null comment '用户编号',
price int default 0 not null comment '提现金额',
fee_price int default 0 not null comment '提现手续费',
total_price int default 0 not null comment '当前总佣金',
type tinyint default 0 not null comment '提现类型1-钱包2-银行卡3-微信4-支付宝',
name varchar(64) null comment '真实姓名',
account_no varchar(64) null comment '账号',
bank_name varchar(100) null comment '银行名称',
bank_address varchar(200) null comment '开户地址',
account_qr_code_url varchar(512) null comment '收款码',
status tinyint(2) default 0 not null comment '状态0-审核中10-审核通过 20-审核不通过预留11 - 提现成功21-提现失败',
audit_reason varchar(128) null comment '审核驳回原因',
audit_time datetime null comment '审核时间',
remark varchar(500) null comment '备注',
creator varchar(64) collate utf8mb4_general_ci default '' null comment '创建者',
create_time datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null comment '创建时间',
updater varchar(64) collate utf8mb4_general_ci default '' null comment '更新者',
update_time datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP comment '更新时间',
deleted bit default b'0' not null comment '是否删除',
tenant_id bigint default 0 not null comment '租户编号'
comment '佣金提现';
create index idx_user_id on member_brokerage_withdraw (user_id) comment '用户编号';
create index idx_audit_status on member_brokerage_withdraw (status) comment '状态';
-- 增加字典
insert into system_dict_type(type, name)
values ('brokerage_enabled_condition', '分佣模式');
insert into system_dict_data(dict_type, label, value, sort, remark)
values ('brokerage_enabled_condition', '人人分销', 0, 0, '所有用户都可以分销'),
('brokerage_enabled_condition', '指定分销', 1, 1, '仅可后台手动设置推广员');
insert into system_dict_type(type, name)
values ('brokerage_bind_mode', '分销关系绑定模式');
insert into system_dict_data(dict_type, label, value, sort, remark)
values ('brokerage_bind_mode', '没有推广人', 0, 0, '只要用户没有推广人随时都可以绑定推广关系'),
('brokerage_bind_mode', '新用户', 1, 1, '仅新用户注册时才能绑定推广关系');
insert into system_dict_type(type, name)
values ('brokerage_withdraw_type', '佣金提现类型');
insert into system_dict_data(dict_type, label, value, sort)
values ('brokerage_withdraw_type', '钱包', 1, 1),
('brokerage_withdraw_type', '银行卡', 2, 2),
('brokerage_withdraw_type', '微信', 3, 3),
('brokerage_withdraw_type', '支付宝', 4, 4);
insert into system_dict_type(type, name)
values ('brokerage_record_biz_type', '佣金记录业务类型');
insert into system_dict_data(dict_type, label, value, sort)
values ('brokerage_record_biz_type', '订单返佣', 0, 0),
('brokerage_record_biz_type', '申请提现', 1, 1);
insert into system_dict_type(type, name)
values ('brokerage_record_status', '佣金记录状态');
insert into system_dict_data(dict_type, label, value, sort)
values ('brokerage_record_status', '待结算', 0, 0),
('brokerage_record_status', '已结算', 1, 1),
('brokerage_record_status', '已取消', 2, 2);
insert into system_dict_type(type, name)
values ('brokerage_withdraw_status', '佣金提现状态');
insert into system_dict_data(dict_type, label, value, sort)
values ('brokerage_withdraw_status', '审核中', 0, 0),
('brokerage_withdraw_status', '审核通过', 10, 10),
('brokerage_withdraw_status', '提现成功', 11, 11),
('brokerage_withdraw_status', '审核不通过', 20, 20),
('brokerage_withdraw_status', '提现失败', 21, 21);
insert into system_dict_type(type, name)
values ('brokerage_bank_name', '佣金提现银行');
insert into system_dict_data(dict_type, label, value, sort)
values ('brokerage_bank_name', '工商银行', 0, 0),
('brokerage_bank_name', '建设银行', 1, 1),
('brokerage_bank_name', '农业银行', 2, 2),
('brokerage_bank_name', '中国银行', 3, 3),
('brokerage_bank_name', '交通银行', 4, 4),
('brokerage_bank_name', '招商银行', 5, 5);
-- 增加菜单分销员管理
INSERT INTO system_menu(name, permission, type, sort, parent_id, path, icon, component, status, component_name)
VALUES ('分销员', '', 2, 7, 2262, 'brokerage', 'user', 'member/brokerage/user/index', 0, 'MemberBrokerageUser');
-- 按钮父菜单ID
-- 按钮 SQL
INSERT INTO system_menu(name, permission, type, sort, parent_id, path, icon, component, status)
VALUES ('分销员查询', 'member:brokerage-user:query', 3, 1, @parentId, '', '', '', 0);
INSERT INTO system_menu(name, permission, type, sort, parent_id, path, icon, component, status)
VALUES ('分销员创建', 'member:brokerage-user:create', 3, 2, @parentId, '', '', '', 0);
INSERT INTO system_menu(name, permission, type, sort, parent_id, path, icon, component, status)
VALUES ('分销员更新', 'member:brokerage-user:update', 3, 3, @parentId, '', '', '', 0);
INSERT INTO system_menu(name, permission, type, sort, parent_id, path, icon, component, status)
VALUES ('分销员删除', 'member:brokerage-user:delete', 3, 4, @parentId, '', '', '', 0);
-- 增加菜单佣金记录
INSERT INTO system_menu(name, permission, type, sort, parent_id, path, icon, component, status, component_name)
VALUES ('佣金记录', '', 2, 8, 2262, 'brokerage-record', 'list', 'member/brokerage/record/index', 0,
-- 按钮父菜单ID
-- 暂时只支持 MySQL如果你是 OraclePostgreSQLSQLServer 的话需要手动修改 @parentId 的部分的代码
-- 按钮 SQL
INSERT INTO system_menu(name, permission, type, sort, parent_id, path, icon, component, status)
VALUES ('佣金记录查询', 'member:member-brokerage-record:query', 3, 1, @parentId, '', 'table', '', 0);
-- 增加菜单佣金提现
INSERT INTO system_menu(name, permission, type, sort, parent_id, path, icon, component, status, component_name)
VALUES ('佣金提现', '', 2, 9, 2262, 'brokerage-withdraw', '', 'member/brokerage/withdraw/index', 0,
-- 按钮父菜单ID
-- 暂时只支持 MySQL如果你是 OraclePostgreSQLSQLServer 的话需要手动修改 @parentId 的部分的代码
-- 按钮 SQL
INSERT INTO system_menu(name, permission, type, sort, parent_id, path, icon, component, status)
VALUES ('佣金提现查询', 'member:brokerage-withdraw:query', 3, 1, @parentId, '', '', '', 0);
-- 交易中心配置菜单 SQL
INSERT INTO system_menu(name, permission, type, sort, parent_id, path, icon, component, status, component_name)
VALUES ('交易中心配置', '', 2, 0, 2072, 'config', '', 'trade/config/index', 0, 'TradeConfig');
-- 按钮父菜单ID
-- 暂时只支持 MySQL如果你是 OraclePostgreSQLSQLServer 的话需要手动修改 @parentId 的部分的代码
-- 按钮 SQL
INSERT INTO system_menu(name, permission, type, sort, parent_id, path, icon, component, status)
VALUES ('交易中心配置查询', 'trade:config:query', 3, 1, @parentId, '', '', '', 0);
INSERT INTO system_menu(name, permission, type, sort, parent_id, path, icon, component, status)
VALUES ('交易中心配置保存', 'trade:config:save', 3, 2, @parentId, '', '', '', 0);