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<!-- 员工业绩统计 -->
<!-- Echarts图 -->
<el-card shadow="never">
<el-skeleton :loading="loading" animated>
<Echart :height="500" :options="echartsOption" />
<!-- 统计列表 -->
<el-card shadow="never" class="mt-16px">
<el-table v-loading="loading" :data="tableData">
v-for="item in columnsData"
<template #default="scope">
{{ scope.row[item.prop] }}
<script setup lang="ts">
import { EChartsOption } from 'echarts'
import {
} from '@/api/crm/statistics/performance'
defineOptions({ name: 'ContractPricePerformance' })
const props = defineProps<{ queryParams: any }>() // 搜索参数
const loading = ref(false) // 加载中
const list = ref<StatisticsPerformanceRespVO[]>([]) // 列表的数据
/** 柱状图配置:纵向 */
const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
grid: {
left: 20,
right: 20,
bottom: 20,
containLabel: true
legend: {},
series: [
name: '当月合同金额(元)',
type: 'line',
data: []
name: '上月合同金额(元)',
type: 'line',
data: []
name: '去年同月合同金额(元)',
type: 'line',
data: []
name: '环比增长率(%',
type: 'line',
yAxisIndex: 1,
data: []
name: '同比增长率(%',
type: 'line',
yAxisIndex: 1,
data: []
toolbox: {
feature: {
dataZoom: {
xAxisIndex: false // 数据区域缩放Y 轴不缩放
brush: {
type: ['lineX', 'clear'] // 区域缩放按钮、还原按钮
saveAsImage: { show: true, name: '客户总量分析' } // 保存为图片
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
axisPointer: {
type: 'shadow'
yAxis: [
type: 'value',
name: '金额(元)',
axisTick: {
show: false
axisLabel: {
color: '#BDBDBD',
formatter: '{value}'
/** 坐标轴轴线相关设置 */
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#BDBDBD'
splitLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: '#e6e6e6'
type: 'value',
name: '',
axisTick: {
alignWithLabel: true,
lineStyle: {
width: 0
axisLabel: {
color: '#BDBDBD',
formatter: '{value}%'
/** 坐标轴轴线相关设置 */
axisLine: {
lineStyle: {
color: '#BDBDBD'
splitLine: {
show: true,
lineStyle: {
color: '#e6e6e6'
xAxis: {
type: 'category',
name: '日期',
data: []
}) as EChartsOption
/** 获取统计数据 */
const loadData = async () => {
// 1. 加载统计数据
loading.value = true
const performanceList = await StatisticsPerformanceApi.getContractPricePerformance(
// 2.1 更新 Echarts 数据
if (echartsOption.xAxis && echartsOption.xAxis['data']) {
echartsOption.xAxis['data'] = performanceList.map((s: StatisticsPerformanceRespVO) => s.time)
if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[0] && echartsOption.series[0]['data']) {
echartsOption.series[0]['data'] = performanceList.map(
(s: StatisticsPerformanceRespVO) => s.currentMonthCount
if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[1] && echartsOption.series[1]['data']) {
echartsOption.series[1]['data'] = performanceList.map(
(s: StatisticsPerformanceRespVO) => s.lastMonthCount
echartsOption.series[3]['data'] = performanceList.map((s: StatisticsPerformanceRespVO) =>
s.lastMonthCount !== 0
? (((s.currentMonthCount - s.lastMonthCount) / s.lastMonthCount) * 100).toFixed(2)
: 'NULL'
if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[2] && echartsOption.series[2]['data']) {
echartsOption.series[2]['data'] = performanceList.map(
(s: StatisticsPerformanceRespVO) => s.lastYearCount
echartsOption.series[4]['data'] = performanceList.map((s: StatisticsPerformanceRespVO) =>
s.lastYearCount !== 0
? (((s.currentMonthCount - s.lastYearCount) / s.lastYearCount) * 100).toFixed(2)
: 'NULL'
// 2.2 更新列表数据
list.value = performanceList
loading.value = false
// 初始化数据
const columnsData = reactive([])
const tableData = reactive([
{ title: '当月合同金额统计(元)' },
{ title: '上月合同金额统计(元)' },
{ title: '去年当月合同金额统计(元)' },
{ title: '环比增长率(%' },
{ title: '同比增长率(%' }
// 定义 init 方法
const convertListData = () => {
const columnObj = { label: '日期', prop: 'title' }
columnsData.splice(0, columnsData.length) //清空数组
list.value.forEach((item, index) => {
const columnObj = { label: item.time, prop: 'prop' + index }
tableData[0]['prop' + index] = item.currentMonthCount
tableData[1]['prop' + index] = item.lastMonthCount
tableData[2]['prop' + index] = item.lastYearCount
tableData[3]['prop' + index] =
item.lastMonthCount !== 0
? (((item.currentMonthCount - item.lastMonthCount) / item.lastMonthCount) * 100).toFixed(2)
: 'NULL'
tableData[4]['prop' + index] =
item.lastYearCount !== 0
? (((item.currentMonthCount - item.lastYearCount) / item.lastYearCount) * 100).toFixed(2)
: 'NULL'
defineExpose({ loadData })
/** 初始化 */
onMounted(async () => {
await loadData()