diff --git a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/node.ts b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/node.ts
index d0fb0866..282600a3 100644
--- a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/node.ts
+++ b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/node.ts
@@ -90,6 +90,55 @@ export function useFormFieldsPermission(defaultPermission: FieldPermissionType)
+ * @description 获取表单的字段
+ */
+export function useFormFields() {
+  // 解析后的表单字段
+  const formFields = inject<Ref<string[]>>('formFields') // 流程表单字段
+  const parseFormFields = () => {
+    const parsedFormFields: Array<Record<string, string>> = []
+    if (formFields) {
+      formFields.value.forEach((fieldStr: string) => {
+        parseField(JSON.parse(fieldStr), parsedFormFields)
+      })
+    }
+    return parsedFormFields
+  }
+  // 解析字段。
+  const parseField = (
+    rule: Record<string, any>,
+    parsedFormFields: Array<Record<string, string>>,
+    parentTitle: string = ''
+  ) => {
+    const { field, title: tempTitle, children, type } = rule
+    if (field && tempTitle) {
+      let title = tempTitle
+      if (parentTitle) {
+        title = `${parentTitle}.${tempTitle}`
+      }
+      parsedFormFields.push({
+        field,
+        title,
+        type
+      })
+      // TODO 子表单 需要处理子表单字段
+      // if (type === 'group' && rule.props?.rule && Array.isArray(rule.props.rule)) {
+      //   // 解析子表单的字段
+      //   rule.props.rule.forEach((item) => {
+      //     parseFieldsSetDefaultPermission(item, fieldsPermission, title)
+      //   })
+      // }
+    }
+    if (children && Array.isArray(children)) {
+      children.forEach((rule) => {
+        parseField(rule, parsedFormFields)
+      })
+    }
+  }
+  return parseFormFields()
 export type UserTaskFormType = {
   //candidateParamArray: any[]
@@ -408,3 +457,22 @@ export function useNodeName(nodeType: NodeType) {
+export function useNodeName2(node: Ref<SimpleFlowNode>, nodeType: NodeType) {
+  // 显示节点名称输入框
+  const showInput = ref(false)
+  // 节点名称输入框失去焦点
+  const blurEvent = () => {
+    showInput.value = false
+    node.value.name = node.value.name || (NODE_DEFAULT_NAME.get(nodeType) as string)
+  }
+  // 点击节点标题进行输入
+  const clickTitle = () => {
+    showInput.value = true
+  }
+  return {
+    showInput,
+    clickTitle,
+    blurEvent
+  }
diff --git a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes-config/ConditionNodeConfig.vue b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes-config/ConditionNodeConfig.vue
index 679fdbfe..4ffcd4c5 100644
--- a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes-config/ConditionNodeConfig.vue
+++ b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes-config/ConditionNodeConfig.vue
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
-    :before-close=" handleClose"
-   >
-   <template #header>
+    :before-close="handleClose"
+  >
+    <template #header>
       <div class="config-header">
@@ -16,36 +16,42 @@
-          />
-        <div v-else class="node-name" >{{ currentNode.name }} <Icon class="ml-1" icon="ep:edit-pen" :size="16" @click="clickIcon()"/></div>
+        />
+        <div v-else class="node-name"
+          >{{ currentNode.name }}
+          <Icon class="ml-1" icon="ep:edit-pen" :size="16" @click="clickIcon()"
+        /></div>
         <div class="divide-line"></div>
-   </template>
-    <div> 
-      <div class="mb-3 text-size-sm" v-if="currentNode.attributes.defaultFlow">其它条件不满足进入此分支(该分支不可编辑和删除)</div>
+    </template>
+    <div>
+      <div class="mb-3 text-size-sm" v-if="currentNode.attributes.defaultFlow"
+        >其它条件不满足进入此分支(该分支不可编辑和删除)</div
+      >
       <div v-else>
-          <el-form
-            ref="formRef"
-            :model="currentNode.attributes"
-            :rules="formRules"
-            label-position="top">
-            <el-form-item label="配置方式" prop="conditionType">
-              <el-radio-group
-                v-model="currentNode.attributes.conditionType"
-                @change="changeConditionType"
+        <el-form
+          ref="formRef"
+          :model="currentNode.attributes"
+          :rules="formRules"
+          label-position="top"
+        >
+          <el-form-item label="配置方式" prop="conditionType">
+            <el-radio-group
+              v-model="currentNode.attributes.conditionType"
+              @change="changeConditionType"
+            >
+              <el-radio
+                v-for="(dict, index) in conditionConfigTypes"
+                :key="index"
+                :value="dict.value"
+                :label="dict.value"
-                <el-radio
-                  v-for="(dict, index) in conditionConfigTypes"
-                  :key="index"
-                  :value="dict.value"
-                  :label="dict.value"
-                >
-                  {{ dict.label }}
-                </el-radio>
-              </el-radio-group>
-            </el-form-item>
+                {{ dict.label }}
+              </el-radio>
+            </el-radio-group>
+          </el-form-item>
             v-if="currentNode.attributes.conditionType === 1"
@@ -58,87 +64,94 @@
               style="width: 100%"
-           <el-form-item
-              v-if="currentNode.attributes.conditionType === 2"
-              label="条件规则"
-            >
-              <div class="condition-group-tool">
-                <div class="flex items-center">
-                  <div class="mr-4">条件组关系</div>
-                  <el-switch
-                      v-model="conditionGroups.and"
-                      inline-prompt
-                      active-text="且"
-                      inactive-text="或"/>
-                </div>
-                <!-- <div class="flex items-center"> 
+          <el-form-item v-if="currentNode.attributes.conditionType === 2" label="条件规则">
+            <div class="condition-group-tool">
+              <div class="flex items-center">
+                <div class="mr-4">条件组关系</div>
+                <el-switch
+                  v-model="conditionGroups.and"
+                  inline-prompt
+                  active-text="且"
+                  inactive-text="或"
+                />
+              </div>
+              <!-- <div class="flex items-center"> 
                   <el-button size="small" type="primary">添加条件组</el-button>
                 </div>  -->
-              </div>
-              <el-space direction="vertical"  :spacer="conditionGroups.and ? '且' : '或' ">
-                <el-card 
-                    class="condition-group"
-                    style="width: 530px"
-                    v-for="(condition, cIdx) in conditionGroups.conditions" 
-                    :key="cIdx">
-                  <div class="condition-group-delete" v-if="conditionGroups.conditions.length > 1">
-                    <Icon color="#0089ff"  icon="ep:circle-close-filled"  :size="18"  @click="deleteConditionGroup(cIdx)"/>
-                  </div>
-                  <template #header>
-                    <div class="flex items-center justify-between">
-                      <div>条件组</div>
-                      <div class="flex">
-                        <div class="mr-4">规则关系</div>
-                        <el-switch
-                            v-model="condition.and"
-                            inline-prompt
-                            active-text="且"
-                            inactive-text="或"/>
-                      </div>
-                    </div>
-                  </template>
-                  <div class="flex pt-2" v-for="(rule, rIdx) in condition.rules" :key="rIdx">
-                    <div class="mr-2">
-                      <el-select  style="width: 160px" v-model="rule.leftSide">
-                        <el-option
-                          v-for="(item, index) in fieldsInfo"
-                          :key="index"
-                          :label="item.title"
-                          :value="item.field"
-                        />
-                      </el-select>
-                   </div>
-                   <div class="mr-2">
-                      <el-select v-model="rule.opCode" style="width: 100px">
-                        <el-option
-                          v-for="item in COMPARISON_OPERATORS"
-                          :key="item.value"
-                          :label="item.label"
-                          :value="item.value"
-                        />
-                      </el-select>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="mr-2">
-                      <el-input v-model="rule.rightSide" style="width: 160px" />
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="mr-1 flex items-center" v-if="condition.rules.length > 1">
-                      <Icon icon="ep:delete" :size="18" @click="deleteConditionRule(condition,rIdx)"/>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="flex items-center">
-                      <Icon icon="ep:plus" :size="18" @click="addConditionRule(condition,rIdx)"/>
+            </div>
+            <el-space direction="vertical" :spacer="conditionGroups.and ? '且' : '或'">
+              <el-card
+                class="condition-group"
+                style="width: 530px"
+                v-for="(condition, cIdx) in conditionGroups.conditions"
+                :key="cIdx"
+              >
+                <div class="condition-group-delete" v-if="conditionGroups.conditions.length > 1">
+                  <Icon
+                    color="#0089ff"
+                    icon="ep:circle-close-filled"
+                    :size="18"
+                    @click="deleteConditionGroup(cIdx)"
+                  />
+                </div>
+                <template #header>
+                  <div class="flex items-center justify-between">
+                    <div>条件组</div>
+                    <div class="flex">
+                      <div class="mr-4">规则关系</div>
+                      <el-switch
+                        v-model="condition.and"
+                        inline-prompt
+                        active-text="且"
+                        inactive-text="或"
+                      />
-                </el-card>
-              </el-space>
-              <div title="添加条件组" class="mt-4 cursor-pointer">
-                <Icon color="#0089ff"  icon="ep:plus"  :size="24"  @click="addConditionGroup"/>
-              </div>
-            </el-form-item>
-          </el-form>
-      </div>    
+                </template>
+                <div class="flex pt-2" v-for="(rule, rIdx) in condition.rules" :key="rIdx">
+                  <div class="mr-2">
+                    <el-select style="width: 160px" v-model="rule.leftSide">
+                      <el-option
+                        v-for="(item, index) in fieldsInfo"
+                        :key="index"
+                        :label="item.title"
+                        :value="item.field"
+                      />
+                    </el-select>
+                  </div>
+                  <div class="mr-2">
+                    <el-select v-model="rule.opCode" style="width: 100px">
+                      <el-option
+                        v-for="item in COMPARISON_OPERATORS"
+                        :key="item.value"
+                        :label="item.label"
+                        :value="item.value"
+                      />
+                    </el-select>
+                  </div>
+                  <div class="mr-2">
+                    <el-input v-model="rule.rightSide" style="width: 160px" />
+                  </div>
+                  <div class="mr-1 flex items-center" v-if="condition.rules.length > 1">
+                    <Icon
+                      icon="ep:delete"
+                      :size="18"
+                      @click="deleteConditionRule(condition, rIdx)"
+                    />
+                  </div>
+                  <div class="flex items-center">
+                    <Icon icon="ep:plus" :size="18" @click="addConditionRule(condition, rIdx)" />
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+              </el-card>
+            </el-space>
+            <div title="添加条件组" class="mt-4 cursor-pointer">
+              <Icon color="#0089ff" icon="ep:plus" :size="24" @click="addConditionGroup" />
+            </div>
+          </el-form-item>
+        </el-form>
+      </div>
     <template #footer>
       <el-divider />
@@ -150,25 +163,31 @@
 <script setup lang="ts">
-import { SimpleFlowNode, CONDITION_CONFIG_TYPES, ConditionConfigType } from '../consts'
-import { getDefaultConditionNodeName } from '../utils';
-import { COMPARISON_OPERATORS, ConditionGroup, Condition, ConditionRule } from '../consts';
+import {
+  SimpleFlowNode,
+  ConditionConfigType,
+  ConditionGroup,
+  Condition,
+  ConditionRule
+} from '../consts'
+import { getDefaultConditionNodeName } from '../utils'
+import { useFormFields } from '../node'
 const message = useMessage() // 消息弹窗
   name: 'ConditionNodeConfig'
-const formFields = inject<Ref<string[]>>('formFields')
 const formType = inject<Ref<number>>('formType') // 表单类型
-const conditionConfigTypes = computed( ()=> {
-  return CONDITION_CONFIG_TYPES.filter(item => {
+const conditionConfigTypes = computed(() => {
+  return CONDITION_CONFIG_TYPES.filter((item) => {
     // 业务表单暂时去掉条件规则选项
-    if (formType?.value !== 10 ){
+    if (formType?.value !== 10) {
       return item.value === 1
     } else {
-      return true;
+      return true
-  });
+  })
 const props = defineProps({
@@ -176,35 +195,39 @@ const props = defineProps({
     type: Object as () => SimpleFlowNode,
     required: true
-  nodeIndex : {
+  nodeIndex: {
     type: Number,
     required: true
 const settingVisible = ref(false)
 const open = () => {
-  getFieldsInfo()
   if (currentNode.value.attributes.conditionType === ConditionConfigType.RULE) {
-     if (currentNode.value.attributes.conditionGroups) {
-        conditionGroups.value = currentNode.value.attributes.conditionGroups
-     }
+    if (currentNode.value.attributes.conditionGroups) {
+      conditionGroups.value = currentNode.value.attributes.conditionGroups
+    }
   settingVisible.value = true
-watch(() => props.conditionNode, (newValue) => {  
-  currentNode.value = newValue;  
+  () => props.conditionNode,
+  (newValue) => {
+    currentNode.value = newValue
+  }
 // 显示名称输入框
 const showInput = ref(false)
 const clickIcon = () => {
-  showInput.value = true;
+  showInput.value = true
 // 输入框失去焦点
 const blurEvent = () => {
   showInput.value = false
-  currentNode.value.name = currentNode.value.name || getDefaultConditionNodeName(props.nodeIndex, currentNode.value.attributes?.defaultFlow)
+  currentNode.value.name =
+    currentNode.value.name ||
+    getDefaultConditionNodeName(props.nodeIndex, currentNode.value.attributes?.defaultFlow)
 const currentNode = ref<SimpleFlowNode>(props.conditionNode)
@@ -216,13 +239,13 @@ const closeDrawer = () => {
   settingVisible.value = false
-const handleClose = async  (done: (cancel?: boolean) => void) => {
-  const isSuccess = await saveConfig();
-  if ( !isSuccess) {
-      done(true); // 传入 true 阻止关闭  
-    } else {
-      done();
-    }
+const handleClose = async (done: (cancel?: boolean) => void) => {
+  const isSuccess = await saveConfig()
+  if (!isSuccess) {
+    done(true) // 传入 true 阻止关闭
+  } else {
+    done()
+  }
 // 表单校验规则
 const formRules = reactive({
@@ -232,82 +255,83 @@ const formRules = reactive({
 const formRef = ref() // 表单 Ref
 // 保存配置
-const saveConfig =  async () => {
+const saveConfig = async () => {
   if (!currentNode.value.attributes.defaultFlow) {
     // 校验表单
     if (!formRef) return false
     const valid = await formRef.value.validate()
     if (!valid) return false
-    const showText = getShowText();
-    if(!showText){
-      return false;
+    const showText = getShowText()
+    if (!showText) {
+      return false
     currentNode.value.showText = showText
-    if(currentNode.value.attributes.conditionType === ConditionConfigType.EXPRESSION ){
-      currentNode.value.attributes.conditionGroups = undefined 
+    if (currentNode.value.attributes.conditionType === ConditionConfigType.EXPRESSION) {
+      currentNode.value.attributes.conditionGroups = undefined
-    if(currentNode.value.attributes.conditionType === ConditionConfigType.RULE ){
+    if (currentNode.value.attributes.conditionType === ConditionConfigType.RULE) {
       currentNode.value.attributes.conditionExpression = undefined
-      currentNode.value.attributes.conditionGroups = conditionGroups.value 
+      currentNode.value.attributes.conditionGroups = conditionGroups.value
   settingVisible.value = false
-  return true;
+  return true
-const getShowText = () : string => {
-  let showText ='';
+const getShowText = (): string => {
+  let showText = ''
   if (currentNode.value.attributes.conditionType === ConditionConfigType.EXPRESSION) {
     if (currentNode.value.attributes.conditionExpression) {
       showText = `表达式:${currentNode.value.attributes.conditionExpression}`
-  if (currentNode.value.attributes.conditionType === ConditionConfigType.RULE ) {
+  if (currentNode.value.attributes.conditionType === ConditionConfigType.RULE) {
     // 条件组是否为与关系
-    const groupAnd = conditionGroups.value.and;
-    let warningMesg : undefined | string = undefined
-    const conditionGroup = conditionGroups.value.conditions.map( item => {
-      return  '(' + item.rules.map( rule => {
-          if ( rule.leftSide  && rule.rightSide) {
-            return getFieldTitle(rule.leftSide) + " " + getOpName(rule.opCode) + " " + rule.rightSide 
-          }else {
-            // 又一条规则不完善。提示错误
-            warningMesg = '请完善条件规则'
-            return ''
-          }
-        }).join(item.and ? ' 且 ' : ' 或 ' ) + ' ) '
-      }
-    )
+    const groupAnd = conditionGroups.value.and
+    let warningMesg: undefined | string = undefined
+    const conditionGroup = conditionGroups.value.conditions.map((item) => {
+      return (
+        '(' +
+        item.rules
+          .map((rule) => {
+            if (rule.leftSide && rule.rightSide) {
+              return (
+                getFieldTitle(rule.leftSide) + ' ' + getOpName(rule.opCode) + ' ' + rule.rightSide
+              )
+            } else {
+              // 又一条规则不完善。提示错误
+              warningMesg = '请完善条件规则'
+              return ''
+            }
+          })
+          .join(item.and ? ' 且 ' : ' 或 ') +
+        ' ) '
+      )
+    })
     if (warningMesg) {
-      message.warning(warningMesg);
-      showText = '';
+      message.warning(warningMesg)
+      showText = ''
     } else {
-      showText = conditionGroup.join( groupAnd ?  ' 且 ' : ' 或 ' );
+      showText = conditionGroup.join(groupAnd ? ' 且 ' : ' 或 ')
-  } 
+  }
   return showText
 // 改变条件配置方式
-const changeConditionType = () => {
+const changeConditionType = () => {}
 const conditionGroups = ref<ConditionGroup>({
-  and : true,
+  and: true,
   conditions: [
-      and : true,
+      and: true,
       rules: [
           type: 1,
-          opName: "等于",
-          opCode: "==",
-          leftSide: "",
-          rightSide: ""
+          opName: '等于',
+          opCode: '==',
+          leftSide: '',
+          rightSide: ''
@@ -316,69 +340,54 @@ const conditionGroups = ref<ConditionGroup>({
 // 添加条件组
 const addConditionGroup = () => {
   const condition = {
-    and : true,
+    and: true,
     rules: [
         type: 1,
-        opName: "等于",
-        opCode: "==",
-        leftSide: "",
-        rightSide: ""
+        opName: '等于',
+        opCode: '==',
+        leftSide: '',
+        rightSide: ''
 // 删除条件组
-const deleteConditionGroup = (idx:number) => {
+const deleteConditionGroup = (idx: number) => {
   conditionGroups.value.conditions.splice(idx, 1)
 // 添加条件规则
-const addConditionRule = (condition:Condition, idx:number) => {
+const addConditionRule = (condition: Condition, idx: number) => {
   const rule: ConditionRule = {
     type: 1,
-    opName: "等于",
-    opCode: "==",
-    leftSide: "",
-    rightSide: ""
+    opName: '等于',
+    opCode: '==',
+    leftSide: '',
+    rightSide: ''
-  condition.rules.splice(idx+1, 0, rule)
+  condition.rules.splice(idx + 1, 0, rule)
-const deleteConditionRule = (condition:Condition, idx:number) => {
+const deleteConditionRule = (condition: Condition, idx: number) => {
   condition.rules.splice(idx, 1)
-let fieldsInfo : any[] = [];
+const fieldsInfo = useFormFields()
-const getFieldsInfo = () => {
-  fieldsInfo = [];
-  if(formFields){
-    formFields.value.forEach((fieldStr: string) => {
-      const { field, title, type } = JSON.parse(fieldStr)
-      fieldsInfo.push({
-        field,
-        title,
-        type
-      })
-    })
-  }
-const getFieldTitle = (field:string) : string => {
-  const item = fieldsInfo.find( item => item.field === field)
-  return item?.title;
+const getFieldTitle = (field: string) => {
+  const item = fieldsInfo.find((item) => item.field === field)
+  return item?.title
-const getOpName = (opCode: string) : string => {
-  const opName = COMPARISON_OPERATORS.find( item => item.value === opCode)
+const getOpName = (opCode: string): string => {
+  const opName = COMPARISON_OPERATORS.find((item) => item.value === opCode)
   return opName?.label
 <style lang="scss" scoped>
 .condition-group-tool {
   display: flex;
   justify-content: space-between;
diff --git a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes/CopyTaskNode.vue b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes/CopyTaskNode.vue
index 3e3e0f7f..14a85a29 100644
--- a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes/CopyTaskNode.vue
+++ b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes/CopyTaskNode.vue
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
-          <div v-else class="node-title" @click="clickEvent">
+          <div v-else class="node-title" @click="clickTitle">
             {{ currentNode.name }}
@@ -40,8 +40,9 @@
 <script setup lang="ts">
-import { SimpleFlowNode, NodeType, NODE_DEFAULT_TEXT, NODE_DEFAULT_NAME } from '../consts'
+import { SimpleFlowNode, NodeType, NODE_DEFAULT_TEXT } from '../consts'
 import NodeHandler from '../NodeHandler.vue'
+import { useNodeName2, useWatchNode } from '../node'
 import CopyTaskNodeConfig from '../nodes-config/CopyTaskNodeConfig.vue'
   name: 'CopyTaskNode'
@@ -56,27 +57,12 @@ const props = defineProps({
 const emits = defineEmits<{
   'update:flowNode': [node: SimpleFlowNode | undefined]
-const currentNode = ref<SimpleFlowNode>(props.flowNode)
-// 监控当前节点的变化
-  () => props.flowNode,
-  (newValue) => {
-    currentNode.value = newValue
-  }
-// 显示节点名称输入框
-const showInput = ref(false)
-// 节点名称输入框失去焦点
-const blurEvent = () => {
-  showInput.value = false
-  currentNode.value.name =
-    currentNode.value.name || (NODE_DEFAULT_NAME.get(NodeType.USER_TASK_NODE) as string)
-// 点击节点标题进行输入
-const clickEvent = () => {
-  showInput.value = true
+// 监控节点的变化
+const currentNode = useWatchNode(props)
+// 节点名称编辑
+const { showInput, blurEvent, clickTitle } = useNodeName2(currentNode, NodeType.COPY_TASK_NODE)
 const nodeSetting = ref()
 // 打开节点配置
 const openNodeConfig = () => {
diff --git a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes/StartUserNode.vue b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes/StartUserNode.vue
index 23e1dd3e..51116781 100644
--- a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes/StartUserNode.vue
+++ b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes/StartUserNode.vue
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
-          <div v-else class="node-title" @click="clickEvent">
+          <div v-else class="node-title" @click="clickTitle">
             {{ currentNode.name }}
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 <script setup lang="ts">
 import NodeHandler from '../NodeHandler.vue'
-import { useWatchNode } from '../node'
-import { SimpleFlowNode, NODE_DEFAULT_NAME, NODE_DEFAULT_TEXT, NodeType } from '../consts'
+import { useWatchNode, useNodeName2 } from '../node'
+import { SimpleFlowNode, NODE_DEFAULT_TEXT, NodeType } from '../consts'
 import StartUserNodeConfig from '../nodes-config/StartUserNodeConfig.vue'
   name: 'StartEventNode'
@@ -53,21 +53,11 @@ const props = defineProps({
 const emits = defineEmits<{
   'update:modelValue': [node: SimpleFlowNode | undefined]
+// 监控节点变化
 const currentNode = useWatchNode(props)
+// 节点名称编辑
+const { showInput, blurEvent, clickTitle } = useNodeName2(currentNode, NodeType.START_USER_NODE)
-// 显示节点名称输入框
-const showInput = ref(false)
-// 节点名称输入框失去焦点
-const blurEvent = () => {
-  showInput.value = false
-  currentNode.value.name =
-    currentNode.value.name || (NODE_DEFAULT_NAME.get(NodeType.START_USER_NODE) as string)
-// 点击节点标题进行输入
-const clickEvent = () => {
-  showInput.value = true
 const nodeSetting = ref()
 // 打开节点配置
 const openNodeConfig = () => {
diff --git a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes/UserTaskNode.vue b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes/UserTaskNode.vue
index a7fe1b6d..c817cbe2 100644
--- a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes/UserTaskNode.vue
+++ b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/src/nodes/UserTaskNode.vue
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
-          <div v-else class="node-title" @click="clickEvent">
+          <div v-else class="node-title" @click="clickTitle">
             {{ currentNode.name }}
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
 <script setup lang="ts">
-import { SimpleFlowNode, NodeType, NODE_DEFAULT_TEXT, NODE_DEFAULT_NAME } from '../consts'
-import { useWatchNode } from '../node'
+import { SimpleFlowNode, NodeType, NODE_DEFAULT_TEXT } from '../consts'
+import { useWatchNode, useNodeName2 } from '../node'
 import NodeHandler from '../NodeHandler.vue'
 import UserTaskNodeConfig from '../nodes-config/UserTaskNodeConfig.vue'
@@ -61,9 +61,10 @@ const emits = defineEmits<{
   'update:flowNode': [node: SimpleFlowNode | undefined]
   'find:parentNode': [nodeList: SimpleFlowNode[], nodeType: NodeType]
+// 监控节点变化
 const currentNode = useWatchNode(props)
+// 节点名称编辑
+const { showInput, blurEvent, clickTitle } = useNodeName2(currentNode, NodeType.START_USER_NODE)
 const nodeSetting = ref()
 // 打开节点配置
 const openNodeConfig = () => {
@@ -72,19 +73,6 @@ const openNodeConfig = () => {
-// 显示节点名称输入框
-const showInput = ref(false)
-// 节点名称输入框失去焦点
-const blurEvent = () => {
-  showInput.value = false
-  currentNode.value.name =
-    currentNode.value.name || (NODE_DEFAULT_NAME.get(NodeType.USER_TASK_NODE) as string)
-// 点击节点标题进行输入
-const clickEvent = () => {
-  showInput.value = true
 const deleteNode = () => {
   emits('update:flowNode', currentNode.value.childNode)
diff --git a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/iconfont.ttf b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/iconfont.ttf
index c2dcd3f4..bb85b35f 100644
Binary files a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/iconfont.ttf and b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/iconfont.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/iconfont.woff b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/iconfont.woff
index e20cfa28..94befbd1 100644
Binary files a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/iconfont.woff and b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/iconfont.woff differ
diff --git a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/iconfont.woff2 b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/iconfont.woff2
index 77bbd1b3..e8f95c8c 100644
Binary files a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/iconfont.woff2 and b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/iconfont.woff2 differ
diff --git a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/simple-process-designer.scss b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/simple-process-designer.scss
index ecf4250a..fd2ab0ed 100644
--- a/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/simple-process-designer.scss
+++ b/src/components/SimpleProcessDesignerV2/theme/simple-process-designer.scss
@@ -119,6 +119,9 @@
             &.copy-task {
               color: #3296fa;
+            &.start-user {
+              color: #676565;
+            }
           .node-title {
@@ -669,9 +672,9 @@
 @font-face {
   font-family: 'iconfont'; /* Project id 4495938 */
-    url('iconfont.woff2?t=1712392083512') format('woff2'),
-    url('iconfont.woff?t=1712392083512') format('woff'),
-    url('iconfont.ttf?t=1712392083512') format('truetype');
+    url('iconfont.woff2?t=1724339470412') format('woff2'),
+    url('iconfont.woff?t=1724339470412') format('woff'),
+    url('iconfont.ttf?t=1724339470412') format('truetype');
 .iconfont {
@@ -682,7 +685,11 @@
   -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
-.icon-Inclusive:before {
+.icon-start-user:before {
+  content: '\e679';
+.icon-inclusive:before {
   content: '\e602';