diff --git a/src/api/crm/statistics/customer.ts b/src/api/crm/statistics/customer.ts
index f048d174..2c801bb6 100644
--- a/src/api/crm/statistics/customer.ts
+++ b/src/api/crm/statistics/customer.ts
@@ -1,53 +1,116 @@
 import request from '@/config/axios'
-export interface StatisticsCustomerRespVO {
-  count: number
-  cycle: number
-  category: string
+export interface CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByDateRespVO {
+  time: string
+  customerCreateCount: number
+  customerDealCount: number
-// 客户总量分析 API
-export const StatisticsCustomerApi = {
-  // 客户总量(新建)
-  getTotalCustomerCount: (params: any) => {
-    return request.get({
-      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-total-customer-count',
-      params
-    })
-  },
-  // 客户总量(成交)
-  getDealTotalCustomerCount: (params: any) => {
-    return request.get({
-      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-deal-total-customer-count',
-      params
-    })
-  },
-  // 获取客户跟进次数
-  getRecordCount: (params: any) => {
-    return request.get({
-      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-record-count',
-      params
-    })
-  },
-  // 获取客户跟进次数
-  getDistinctRecordCount: (params: any) => {
-    return request.get({
-      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-distinct-record-count',
-      params
-    })
-  },
-  // 获取客户跟进方式统计数
-  getRecordTypeCount: (params: any) => {
-    return request.get({
-      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-record-type-count',
-      params
-    })
-  },
-  // 获取客户成交周期
-  getCustomerCycle: (params: any) => {
-    return request.get({
-      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-customer-cycle',
-      params
-    })
-  },
+export interface CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByUserRespVO {
+  ownerUserName: string
+  customerCreateCount: number
+  customerDealCount: number
+  contractPrice: number
+  receivablePrice: number
+export interface CrmStatisticsFollowupSummaryByDateRespVO {
+  time: string
+  followupRecordCount: number
+  followupCustomerCount: number
+export interface CrmStatisticsFollowupSummaryByUserRespVO {
+  ownerUserName: string
+  followupRecordCount: number
+  followupCustomerCount: number
+export interface CrmStatisticsFollowupSummaryByTypeRespVO {
+  followupType: string
+  followupRecordCount: number
+export interface CrmStatisticsCustomerContractSummaryRespVO {
+  customerName: string
+  contractName: string
+  totalPrice: number
+  receivablePrice: number
+  customerType: string
+  customerSource: string
+  ownerUserName: string
+  creatorUserName: string
+  createTime: Date
+  orderDate: Date
+export interface CrmStatisticsCustomerDealCycleByDateRespVO {
+  time: string
+  customerDealCycle: number
+export interface CrmStatisticsCustomerDealCycleByUserRespVO {
+  ownerUserName: string
+  customerDealCycle: number
+  customerDealCount: number
+// 客户分析 API
+export const StatisticsCustomerApi = {
+  // 1.1 客户总量分析(按日期)
+  getCustomerSummaryByDate: (params: any) => {
+    return request.get({
+      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-customer-summary-by-date',
+      params
+    })
+  },
+  // 1.2 客户总量分析(按用户)
+  getCustomerSummaryByUser: (params: any) => {
+    return request.get({
+      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-customer-summary-by-user',
+      params
+    })
+  },
+  // 2.1 客户跟进次数分析(按日期)
+  getFollowupSummaryByDate: (params: any) => {
+    return request.get({
+      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-followup-summary-by-date',
+      params
+    })
+  },
+  // 2.2 客户跟进次数分析(按用户)
+  getFollowupSummaryByUser: (params: any) => {
+    return request.get({
+      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-followup-summary-by-user',
+      params
+    })
+  },
+  // 3.1 获取客户跟进方式统计数
+  getFollowupSummaryByType: (params: any) => {
+    return request.get({
+      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-followup-summary-by-type',
+      params
+    })
+  },
+  // 4.1 合同摘要信息(客户转化率页面)
+  getContractSummary: (params: any) => {
+    return request.get({
+      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-followup-summary-by-type',
+      params
+    })
+  },
+  // 5.1 获取客户成交周期(按日期)
+  getCustomerDealCycleByDate: (params: any) => {
+    return request.get({
+      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-customer-deal-cycle-by-date',
+      params
+    })
+  },
+  // 5.2 获取客户成交周期(按用户)
+  getCustomerDealCycleByUser: (params: any) => {
+    return request.get({
+      url: '/crm/statistics-customer/get-customer-deal-cycle-by-user',
+      params
+    })
+  }
diff --git a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/ConversionRate.vue b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/ConversionRate.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f3ad591..00000000
--- a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/ConversionRate.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-<!-- 客户转化率分析 -->
-  <!-- Echarts图 -->
-  <el-card shadow="never">
-    <el-skeleton :loading="loading" animated>
-      <Echart :height="500" :options="echartsOption" />
-    </el-skeleton>
-  </el-card>
-  <!-- 统计列表 -->
-  <el-card shadow="never" class="mt-16px">
-    <el-table v-loading="loading" :data="list">
-      <el-table-column label="序号" align="center" type="index" width="80" />
-      <el-table-column label="日期" align="center" prop="category" min-width="200" />
-      <el-table-column label="新增客户数" align="center" prop="customerCount" min-width="200" />
-      <el-table-column label="成交客户数" align="center" prop="dealCustomerCount" min-width="200" />
-      <el-table-column label="转化率(%)" align="center" prop="conversionRate" min-width="200" />
-    </el-table>
-  </el-card>
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { StatisticsCustomerApi, StatisticsCustomerRespVO } from '@/api/crm/statistics/customer'
-import { EChartsOption } from 'echarts'
-import { round } from 'lodash-es';
-defineOptions({ name: 'ConversionRate' })
-const props = defineProps<{ queryParams: any }>() // 搜索参数
-const loading = ref(false) // 加载中
-const list = ref<StatisticsCustomerRespVO[]>([]) // 列表的数据
-/** 柱状图配置:纵向 */
-const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
-  grid: {
-    left: 20,
-    right: 20,
-    bottom: 20,
-    containLabel: true
-  },
-  legend: { },
-  series: [
-    {
-      name: '客户转化率',
-      type: 'line',
-      data: []
-    },
-  ],
-  toolbox: {
-    feature: {
-      dataZoom: {
-        xAxisIndex: false // 数据区域缩放:Y 轴不缩放
-      },
-      brush: {
-        type: ['lineX', 'clear'] // 区域缩放按钮、还原按钮
-      },
-      saveAsImage: { show: true, name: '客户转化率分析' } // 保存为图片
-    }
-  },
-  tooltip: {
-    trigger: 'axis',
-    axisPointer: {
-      type: 'shadow'
-    }
-  },
-  yAxis: {
-    type: 'value',
-    name: '转化率(%)'
-  },
-  xAxis: {
-    type: 'category',
-    name: '日期',
-    data: []
-  }
-}) as EChartsOption
-/** 获取统计数据 */
-const loadData = async () => {
-  // 1. 加载统计数据
-  loading.value = true
-  const customerCount = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getTotalCustomerCount(props.queryParams)
-  const dealCustomerCount = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getDealTotalCustomerCount(props.queryParams)
-  // 2.1 更新 Echarts 数据
-  if (echartsOption.xAxis && echartsOption.xAxis['data']) {
-    echartsOption.xAxis['data'] = customerCount.map((s: StatisticsCustomerRespVO) => s.category)
-  }
-  if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[0] && echartsOption.series[0]['data']) {
-    echartsOption.series[0]['data'] = customerCount.map((item: StatisticsCustomerRespVO, index: number) => {
-    return {
-      name: item.category,
-      value: item.count ? round(dealCustomerCount[index].count / item.count * 100, 2) : 0,
-    }
-  })
-  }
-  // 2.2 更新列表数据
-  const tableData = customerCount.map((item: StatisticsCustomerRespVO, index: number) => {
-    return {
-      category: item.category,
-      dealCustomerCount: dealCustomerCount[index].count,
-      customerCount: item.count,
-      conversionRate: item.count ? round(dealCustomerCount[index].count / item.count * 100, 2) : 0,
-    }
-  })
-  list.value = tableData
-  loading.value = false
-defineExpose({ loadData })
-/** 初始化 */
-onMounted(() => {
-  loadData()
diff --git a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerConversionStat.vue b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerConversionStat.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fbef26b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerConversionStat.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+<!-- 客户转化率分析 -->
+  <!-- Echarts图 -->
+  <el-card shadow="never">
+    <el-skeleton :loading="loading" animated>
+      <Echart :height="500" :options="echartsOption" />
+    </el-skeleton>
+  </el-card>
+  <!-- 统计列表 -->
+  <el-card shadow="never" class="mt-16px">
+    <el-table v-loading="loading" :data="list">
+      <el-table-column label="序号" align="center" type="index" width="80" />
+      <el-table-column label="客户名称" align="center" prop="customerName" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column label="合同名称" align="center" prop="contractName" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column label="合同总金额" align="center" prop="totalPrice" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column label="回款金额" align="center" prop="receivablePrice" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column label="负责人" align="center" prop="ownerUserName" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column label="创建人" align="center" prop="creatorUserName" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column
+        label="创建时间"
+        align="center"
+        prop="createTime"
+        :formatter="dateFormatter"
+        min-width="200"
+      />
+      <el-table-column
+        label="下单日期"
+        align="center"
+        prop="orderDate"
+        :formatter="dateFormatter2"
+        min-width="200"
+      />
+    </el-table>
+  </el-card>
+<script setup lang="ts">
+import {
+  StatisticsCustomerApi,
+  CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByDateRespVO
+} from '@/api/crm/statistics/customer'
+import { EChartsOption } from 'echarts'
+import { round } from 'lodash-es'
+import { dateFormatter, dateFormatter2 } from '@/utils/formatTime'
+defineOptions({ name: 'CustomerConversionStat' })
+const props = defineProps<{ queryParams: any }>() // 搜索参数
+const loading = ref(false) // 加载中
+const list = ref<CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByDateRespVO[]>([]) // 列表的数据
+/** 柱状图配置:纵向 */
+const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
+  grid: {
+    left: 20,
+    right: 20,
+    bottom: 20,
+    containLabel: true
+  },
+  legend: {},
+  series: [
+    {
+      name: '客户转化率',
+      type: 'line',
+      data: []
+    }
+  ],
+  toolbox: {
+    feature: {
+      dataZoom: {
+        xAxisIndex: false // 数据区域缩放:Y 轴不缩放
+      },
+      brush: {
+        type: ['lineX', 'clear'] // 区域缩放按钮、还原按钮
+      },
+      saveAsImage: { show: true, name: '客户转化率分析' } // 保存为图片
+    }
+  },
+  tooltip: {
+    trigger: 'axis',
+    axisPointer: {
+      type: 'shadow'
+    }
+  },
+  yAxis: {
+    type: 'value',
+    name: '转化率(%)'
+  },
+  xAxis: {
+    type: 'category',
+    name: '日期',
+    data: []
+  }
+}) as EChartsOption
+/** 获取统计数据 */
+const loadData = async () => {
+  // 1. 加载统计数据
+  loading.value = true
+  const customerCount = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getCustomerSummaryByDate(props.queryParams)
+  const contractSummary = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getContractSummary(props.queryParams)
+  // 2.1 更新 Echarts 数据
+  if (echartsOption.xAxis && echartsOption.xAxis['data']) {
+    echartsOption.xAxis['data'] = customerCount.map(
+      (s: CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByDateRespVO) => s.time
+    )
+  }
+  if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[0] && echartsOption.series[0]['data']) {
+    echartsOption.series[0]['data'] = customerCount.map(
+      (item: CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByDateRespVO) => {
+        return {
+          name: item.time,
+          value: item.customerCreateCount
+            ? round((item.customerDealCount / item.customerCreateCount) * 100, 2)
+            : 0
+        }
+      }
+    )
+  }
+  // 2.2 更新列表数据
+  list.value = contractSummary
+  loading.value = false
+defineExpose({ loadData })
+/** 初始化 */
+onMounted(() => {
+  loadData()
diff --git a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerCycle.vue b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerDealCycle.vue
similarity index 60%
rename from src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerCycle.vue
rename to src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerDealCycle.vue
index d28f345d..9243e6a3 100644
--- a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerCycle.vue
+++ b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerDealCycle.vue
@@ -11,21 +11,30 @@
   <el-card shadow="never" class="mt-16px">
     <el-table v-loading="loading" :data="list">
       <el-table-column label="序号" align="center" type="index" width="80" />
-      <el-table-column label="日期" align="center" prop="category" min-width="200" />
-      <el-table-column label="成交周期(天)" align="center" prop="customerCycle" min-width="200" />
-      <el-table-column label="成交客户数" align="center" prop="dealCustomerCount" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column label="日期" align="center" prop="ownerUserName" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column
+        label="成交周期(天)"
+        align="center"
+        prop="customerDealCycle"
+        min-width="200"
+      />
+      <el-table-column label="成交客户数" align="center" prop="customerDealCount" min-width="200" />
 <script setup lang="ts">
-import { StatisticsCustomerApi, StatisticsCustomerRespVO } from '@/api/crm/statistics/customer'
+import {
+  StatisticsCustomerApi,
+  CrmStatisticsCustomerDealCycleByDateRespVO,
+  CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByDateRespVO,
+} from '@/api/crm/statistics/customer'
 import { EChartsOption } from 'echarts'
-defineOptions({ name: 'TotalCustomerCount' })
+defineOptions({ name: 'CustomerDealCycle' })
 const props = defineProps<{ queryParams: any }>() // 搜索参数
 const loading = ref(false) // 加载中
-const list = ref<StatisticsCustomerRespVO[]>([]) // 列表的数据
+const list = ref<CrmStatisticsCustomerDealCycleByDateRespVO[]>([]) // 列表的数据
 /** 柱状图配置:纵向 */
 const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
@@ -35,7 +44,7 @@ const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
     bottom: 20,
     containLabel: true
-  legend: { },
+  legend: {},
   series: [
       name: '成交周期(天)',
@@ -46,7 +55,7 @@ const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
       name: '成交客户数',
       type: 'bar',
       data: []
-    },
+    }
   toolbox: {
     feature: {
@@ -80,27 +89,33 @@ const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
 const loadData = async () => {
   // 1. 加载统计数据
   loading.value = true
-  const customerCycle = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getCustomerCycle(props.queryParams)
-  const dealCustomerCount = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getDealTotalCustomerCount(props.queryParams)
+  const customerDealCycleByDate = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getCustomerDealCycleByDate(
+    props.queryParams
+  )
+    const customerSummaryByDate = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getCustomerSummaryByDate(
+    props.queryParams
+  )
+  const customerDealCycleByUser = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getCustomerDealCycleByUser(
+    props.queryParams
+  )
   // 2.1 更新 Echarts 数据
   if (echartsOption.xAxis && echartsOption.xAxis['data']) {
-    echartsOption.xAxis['data'] = customerCycle.map((s: StatisticsCustomerRespVO) => s.category)
+    echartsOption.xAxis['data'] = customerDealCycleByDate.map(
+      (s: CrmStatisticsCustomerDealCycleByDateRespVO) => s.time
+    )
   if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[0] && echartsOption.series[0]['data']) {
-    echartsOption.series[0]['data'] = customerCycle.map((s: StatisticsCustomerRespVO) => s['cycle'])
+    echartsOption.series[0]['data'] = customerDealCycleByDate.map(
+      (s: CrmStatisticsCustomerDealCycleByDateRespVO) => s.customerDealCycle
+    )
   if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[1] && echartsOption.series[1]['data']) {
-    echartsOption.series[1]['data'] = dealCustomerCount.map((s: StatisticsCustomerRespVO) => s.count)
+    echartsOption.series[1]['data'] = customerSummaryByDate.map(
+      (s: CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByDateRespVO) => s.customerDealCount
+    )
   // 2.2 更新列表数据
-  const tableData = customerCycle.map((item: StatisticsCustomerRespVO, index: number) => {
-    return {
-      category: item.category,
-      customerCycle: item.cycle,
-      dealCustomerCount: dealCustomerCount[index].count,
-    }
-  })
-  list.value = tableData
+  list.value = customerDealCycleByUser
   loading.value = false
 defineExpose({ loadData })
diff --git a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/FollowupCount.vue b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerFollowupSummary.vue
similarity index 60%
rename from src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/FollowupCount.vue
rename to src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerFollowupSummary.vue
index e0ae1274..cfb025f5 100644
--- a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/FollowupCount.vue
+++ b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerFollowupSummary.vue
@@ -11,21 +11,30 @@
   <el-card shadow="never" class="mt-16px">
     <el-table v-loading="loading" :data="list">
       <el-table-column label="序号" align="center" type="index" width="80" />
-      <el-table-column label="日期" align="center" prop="category" min-width="200" />
-      <el-table-column label="跟进客户数" align="center" prop="distinctRecordCount" min-width="200" />
-      <el-table-column label="跟进次数" align="center" prop="recordCount" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column label="员工姓名" align="center" prop="ownerUserName" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column label="跟进次数" align="right" prop="followupRecordCount" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column
+        label="跟进客户数"
+        align="right"
+        prop="followupCustomerCount"
+        min-width="200"
+      />
 <script setup lang="ts">
-import { StatisticsCustomerApi, StatisticsCustomerRespVO } from '@/api/crm/statistics/customer'
+import {
+  StatisticsCustomerApi,
+  CrmStatisticsFollowupSummaryByDateRespVO,
+  CrmStatisticsFollowupSummaryByUserRespVO
+} from '@/api/crm/statistics/customer'
 import { EChartsOption } from 'echarts'
-defineOptions({ name: 'FollowupCount' })
+defineOptions({ name: 'CustomerFollowupSummary' })
 const props = defineProps<{ queryParams: any }>() // 搜索参数
 const loading = ref(false) // 加载中
-const list = ref<StatisticsCustomerRespVO[]>([]) // 列表的数据
+const list = ref<CrmStatisticsFollowupSummaryByUserRespVO[]>([]) // 列表的数据
 /** 柱状图配置:纵向 */
 const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
@@ -35,7 +44,7 @@ const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
     bottom: 20,
     containLabel: true
-  legend: { },
+  legend: {},
   series: [
       name: '跟进客户数',
@@ -46,7 +55,7 @@ const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
       name: '跟进次数',
       type: 'bar',
       data: []
-    },
+    }
   toolbox: {
     feature: {
@@ -80,27 +89,30 @@ const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
 const loadData = async () => {
   // 1. 加载统计数据
   loading.value = true
-  const recordCount = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getRecordCount(props.queryParams)
-  const distinctRecordCount = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getDistinctRecordCount(props.queryParams)
+  const followupSummaryByDate = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getFollowupSummaryByDate(
+    props.queryParams
+  )
+  const followupSummaryByUser = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getFollowupSummaryByUser(
+    props.queryParams
+  )
   // 2.1 更新 Echarts 数据
   if (echartsOption.xAxis && echartsOption.xAxis['data']) {
-    echartsOption.xAxis['data'] = recordCount.map((s: StatisticsCustomerRespVO) => s.category)
+    echartsOption.xAxis['data'] = followupSummaryByDate.map(
+      (s: CrmStatisticsFollowupSummaryByDateRespVO) => s.time
+    )
   if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[0] && echartsOption.series[0]['data']) {
-    echartsOption.series[0]['data'] = distinctRecordCount.map((s: StatisticsCustomerRespVO) => s.count)
+    echartsOption.series[0]['data'] = followupSummaryByDate.map(
+      (s: CrmStatisticsFollowupSummaryByDateRespVO) => s.followupCustomerCount
+    )
   if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[1] && echartsOption.series[1]['data']) {
-    echartsOption.series[1]['data'] = recordCount.map((s: StatisticsCustomerRespVO) => s.count)
+    echartsOption.series[1]['data'] = followupSummaryByDate.map(
+      (s: CrmStatisticsFollowupSummaryByDateRespVO) => s.followupRecordCount
+    )
   // 2.2 更新列表数据
-  const tableData = recordCount.map((item: StatisticsCustomerRespVO, index: number) => {
-    return {
-      category: item.category,
-      recordCount: item.count,
-      distinctRecordCount: distinctRecordCount[index].count,
-    }
-  })
-  list.value = tableData
+  list.value = followupSummaryByUser
   loading.value = false
 defineExpose({ loadData })
diff --git a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/FollowupType.vue b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerFollowupType.vue
similarity index 64%
rename from src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/FollowupType.vue
rename to src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerFollowupType.vue
index 2debcb1c..87510054 100644
--- a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/FollowupType.vue
+++ b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerFollowupType.vue
@@ -11,22 +11,25 @@
   <el-card shadow="never" class="mt-16px">
     <el-table v-loading="loading" :data="list">
       <el-table-column label="序号" align="center" type="index" width="80" />
-      <el-table-column label="跟进方式" align="center" prop="category" min-width="200" />
-      <el-table-column label="个数" align="center" prop="count" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column label="跟进方式" align="center" prop="followupType" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column label="个数" align="center" prop="followupRecordCount" min-width="200" />
       <el-table-column label="占比(%)" align="center" prop="portion" min-width="200" />
 <script setup lang="ts">
-import { StatisticsCustomerApi, StatisticsCustomerRespVO } from '@/api/crm/statistics/customer'
+import {
+  StatisticsCustomerApi,
+  CrmStatisticsFollowupSummaryByTypeRespVO
+} from '@/api/crm/statistics/customer'
 import { EChartsOption } from 'echarts'
 import { round, sumBy } from 'lodash-es'
-defineOptions({ name: 'FollowupType' })
+defineOptions({ name: 'CustomerFollowupType' })
 const props = defineProps<{ queryParams: any }>() // 搜索参数
 const loading = ref(false) // 加载中
-const list = ref<StatisticsCustomerRespVO[]>([]) // 列表的数据
+const list = ref<CrmStatisticsFollowupSummaryByTypeRespVO[]>([]) // 列表的数据
 /** 饼图配置 */
 const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
@@ -68,23 +71,27 @@ const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
 const loadData = async () => {
   // 1. 加载统计数据
   loading.value = true
-  const recordTypeCount = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getRecordTypeCount(props.queryParams)
+  const followupSummaryByType = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getFollowupSummaryByType(
+    props.queryParams
+  )
   // 2.1 更新 Echarts 数据
   if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[0] && echartsOption.series[0]['data']) {
-    echartsOption.series[0]['data'] = recordTypeCount.map((r: StatisticsCustomerRespVO) => {
-      return {
-        name: r.category,
-        value: r.count
+    echartsOption.series[0]['data'] = followupSummaryByType.map(
+      (r: CrmStatisticsFollowupSummaryByTypeRespVO) => {
+        return {
+          name: r.followupType,
+          value: r.followupRecordCount
+        }
-    })
+    )
   // 2.2 更新列表数据
-  const totalCount = sumBy(recordTypeCount, 'count')
-  list.value = recordTypeCount.map((r: StatisticsCustomerRespVO) => {
+  const totalCount = sumBy(followupSummaryByType, 'followupRecordCount')
+  list.value = followupSummaryByType.map((r: CrmStatisticsFollowupSummaryByTypeRespVO) => {
     return {
-      category: r.category,
-      count: r.count,
-      portion: round((r.count / totalCount) * 100, 2)
+      followupType: r.followupType,
+      followupRecordCount: r.followupRecordCount,
+      portion: round((r.followupRecordCount / totalCount) * 100, 2)
   loading.value = false
diff --git a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerSummary.vue b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerSummary.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..da50b30b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/CustomerSummary.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+<!-- 客户统计 -->
+  <!-- Echarts图 -->
+  <el-card shadow="never">
+    <el-skeleton :loading="loading" animated>
+      <Echart :height="500" :options="echartsOption" />
+    </el-skeleton>
+  </el-card>
+  <!-- 统计列表 -->
+  <el-card shadow="never" class="mt-16px">
+    <el-table v-loading="loading" :data="list">
+      <el-table-column label="序号" align="center" type="index" width="80" />
+      <el-table-column label="员工姓名" prop="ownerUserName" min-width="100" />
+      <el-table-column
+        label="新增客户数"
+        align="right"
+        prop="customerCreateCount"
+        min-width="200"
+      />
+      <el-table-column label="成交客户数" align="right" prop="customerDealCount" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column label="客户成交率(%)" align="right" min-width="200">
+        <template #default="scope">
+          {{
+            scope.row.customerCreateCount !== 0
+              ? round((scope.row.customerDealCount / scope.row.customerCreateCount) * 100, 2)
+              : 0
+          }}
+        </template>
+      </el-table-column>
+      <el-table-column label="合同总金额" align="right" prop="contractPrice" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column label="回款金额" align="right" prop="receivablePrice" min-width="200" />
+      <el-table-column label="未回款金额" align="right" min-width="200">
+        <template #default="scope">
+          {{ round(scope.row.contractPrice - scope.row.receivablePrice, 2) }}
+        </template>
+      </el-table-column>
+      <el-table-column label="回款完成率(%)" align="right" min-width="200">
+        <template #default="scope">
+          {{
+            scope.row.contractPrice !== 0
+              ? round((scope.row.receivablePrice / scope.row.contractPrice) * 100, 2)
+              : 0
+          }}
+        </template>
+      </el-table-column>
+    </el-table>
+  </el-card>
+<script setup lang="ts">
+import {
+  StatisticsCustomerApi,
+  CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByDateRespVO,
+  CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByUserRespVO
+} from '@/api/crm/statistics/customer'
+import { EChartsOption } from 'echarts'
+import { round } from 'lodash-es'
+defineOptions({ name: 'CustomerSummary' })
+const props = defineProps<{ queryParams: any }>() // 搜索参数
+const loading = ref(false) // 加载中
+const list = ref<CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByUserRespVO[]>([]) // 列表的数据
+/** 柱状图配置:纵向 */
+const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
+  grid: {
+    left: 20,
+    right: 20,
+    bottom: 20,
+    containLabel: true
+  },
+  legend: {},
+  series: [
+    {
+      name: '新增客户数',
+      type: 'bar',
+      data: []
+    },
+    {
+      name: '成交客户数',
+      type: 'bar',
+      data: []
+    }
+  ],
+  toolbox: {
+    feature: {
+      dataZoom: {
+        xAxisIndex: false // 数据区域缩放:Y 轴不缩放
+      },
+      brush: {
+        type: ['lineX', 'clear'] // 区域缩放按钮、还原按钮
+      },
+      saveAsImage: { show: true, name: '客户总量分析' } // 保存为图片
+    }
+  },
+  tooltip: {
+    trigger: 'axis',
+    axisPointer: {
+      type: 'shadow'
+    }
+  },
+  yAxis: {
+    type: 'value',
+    name: '数量(个)'
+  },
+  xAxis: {
+    type: 'category',
+    name: '日期',
+    data: []
+  }
+}) as EChartsOption
+/** 获取统计数据 */
+const loadData = async () => {
+  // 1. 加载统计数据
+  loading.value = true
+  const customerSummaryByDate = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getCustomerSummaryByDate(
+    props.queryParams
+  )
+  const customerSummaryByUser = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getCustomerSummaryByUser(
+    props.queryParams
+  )
+  // 2.1 更新 Echarts 数据
+  if (echartsOption.xAxis && echartsOption.xAxis['data']) {
+    echartsOption.xAxis['data'] = customerSummaryByDate.map(
+      (s: CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByDateRespVO) => s.time
+    )
+  }
+  if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[0] && echartsOption.series[0]['data']) {
+    echartsOption.series[0]['data'] = customerSummaryByDate.map(
+      (s: CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByDateRespVO) => s.customerCreateCount
+    )
+  }
+  if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[1] && echartsOption.series[1]['data']) {
+    echartsOption.series[1]['data'] = customerSummaryByDate.map(
+      (s: CrmStatisticsCustomerSummaryByDateRespVO) => s.customerDealCount
+    )
+  }
+  // 2.2 更新列表数据
+  list.value = customerSummaryByUser
+  loading.value = false
+defineExpose({ loadData })
+/** 初始化 */
+onMounted(() => {
+  loadData()
diff --git a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/TotalCustomerCount.vue b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/TotalCustomerCount.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index 84c50d04..00000000
--- a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/components/TotalCustomerCount.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-<!-- 客户总量分析 -->
-  <!-- Echarts图 -->
-  <el-card shadow="never">
-    <el-skeleton :loading="loading" animated>
-      <Echart :height="500" :options="echartsOption" />
-    </el-skeleton>
-  </el-card>
-  <!-- 统计列表 -->
-  <el-card shadow="never" class="mt-16px">
-    <el-table v-loading="loading" :data="list">
-      <el-table-column label="序号" align="center" type="index" width="80" />
-      <el-table-column label="日期" align="center" prop="category" min-width="200" />
-      <el-table-column label="新增客户数" align="center" prop="customerCount" min-width="200" />
-      <el-table-column label="成交客户数" align="center" prop="dealCustomerCount" min-width="200" />
-    </el-table>
-  </el-card>
-<script setup lang="ts">
-import { StatisticsCustomerApi, StatisticsCustomerRespVO } from '@/api/crm/statistics/customer'
-import { EChartsOption } from 'echarts'
-defineOptions({ name: 'TotalCustomerCount' })
-const props = defineProps<{ queryParams: any }>() // 搜索参数
-const loading = ref(false) // 加载中
-const list = ref<StatisticsCustomerRespVO[]>([]) // 列表的数据
-/** 柱状图配置:纵向 */
-const echartsOption = reactive<EChartsOption>({
-  grid: {
-    left: 20,
-    right: 20,
-    bottom: 20,
-    containLabel: true
-  },
-  legend: { },
-  series: [
-    {
-      name: '新增客户数',
-      type: 'bar',
-      data: []
-    },
-    {
-      name: '成交客户数',
-      type: 'bar',
-      data: []
-    },
-  ],
-  toolbox: {
-    feature: {
-      dataZoom: {
-        xAxisIndex: false // 数据区域缩放:Y 轴不缩放
-      },
-      brush: {
-        type: ['lineX', 'clear'] // 区域缩放按钮、还原按钮
-      },
-      saveAsImage: { show: true, name: '客户总量分析' } // 保存为图片
-    }
-  },
-  tooltip: {
-    trigger: 'axis',
-    axisPointer: {
-      type: 'shadow'
-    }
-  },
-  yAxis: {
-    type: 'value',
-    name: '数量(个)'
-  },
-  xAxis: {
-    type: 'category',
-    name: '日期',
-    data: []
-  }
-}) as EChartsOption
-/** 获取统计数据 */
-const loadData = async () => {
-  // 1. 加载统计数据
-  loading.value = true
-  const customerCount = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getTotalCustomerCount(props.queryParams)
-  const dealCustomerCount = await StatisticsCustomerApi.getDealTotalCustomerCount(props.queryParams)
-  // 2.1 更新 Echarts 数据
-  if (echartsOption.xAxis && echartsOption.xAxis['data']) {
-    echartsOption.xAxis['data'] = customerCount.map((s: StatisticsCustomerRespVO) => s.category)
-  }
-  if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[0] && echartsOption.series[0]['data']) {
-    echartsOption.series[0]['data'] = customerCount.map((s: StatisticsCustomerRespVO) => s.count)
-  }
-  if (echartsOption.series && echartsOption.series[1] && echartsOption.series[1]['data']) {
-    echartsOption.series[1]['data'] = dealCustomerCount.map((s: StatisticsCustomerRespVO) => s.count)
-  }
-  // 2.2 更新列表数据
-  const tableData = customerCount.map((item: StatisticsCustomerRespVO, index: number) => {
-    return {
-      category: item.category,
-      customerCount: item.count,
-      dealCustomerCount: dealCustomerCount[index].count,
-    }
-  })
-  list.value = tableData
-  loading.value = false
-defineExpose({ loadData })
-/** 初始化 */
-onMounted(() => {
-  loadData()
diff --git a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/index.vue b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/index.vue
index 89e2d009..8096814f 100644
--- a/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/index.vue
+++ b/src/views/crm/statistics/customer/index.vue
@@ -49,44 +49,44 @@
-  <!-- 排行数据 -->
+  <!-- 客户统计 -->
     <el-tabs v-model="activeTab">
       <!-- 客户总量分析 -->
-      <el-tab-pane label="客户总量分析" name="totalCustomerCount" lazy>
-        <TotalCustomerCount :query-params="queryParams" ref="totalCustomerCountRef" />
+      <el-tab-pane label="客户总量分析" name="customerSummary" lazy>
+        <CustomerSummary :query-params="queryParams" ref="customerSummaryRef" />
       <!-- 客户跟进次数分析 -->
-      <el-tab-pane label="客户跟进次数分析" name="followupCount" lazy>
-        <FollowupCount :query-params="queryParams" ref="followupCountRef" />
+      <el-tab-pane label="客户跟进次数分析" name="followupSummary" lazy>
+        <CustomerFollowupSummary :query-params="queryParams" ref="followupSummaryRef" />
       <!-- 客户跟进方式分析 -->
       <el-tab-pane label="客户跟进方式分析" name="followupType" lazy>
-        <FollowupType :query-params="queryParams" ref="followupTypeRef" />
+        <CustomerFollowupType :query-params="queryParams" ref="followupTypeRef" />
       <!-- 客户转化率分析 -->
-      <el-tab-pane label="客户转化率分析" name="conversionRate" lazy>
-        <ConversionRate :query-params="queryParams" ref="conversionRateRef" />
+      <el-tab-pane label="客户转化率分析" name="conversionStat" lazy>
+        <CustomerConversionStat :query-params="queryParams" ref="conversionStatRef" />
       <!-- 成交周期分析 -->
-      <el-tab-pane label="成交周期分析" name="customerCycle" lazy>
-        <CustomerCycle :query-params="queryParams" ref="customerCycleRef" />
+      <el-tab-pane label="成交周期分析" name="dealCycle" lazy>
+        <CustomerDealCycle :query-params="queryParams" ref="dealCycleRef" />
 <script lang="ts" setup>
 import * as DeptApi from '@/api/system/dept'
 import * as UserApi from '@/api/system/user'
 import { useUserStore } from '@/store/modules/user'
 import { beginOfDay, defaultShortcuts, endOfDay, formatDate } from '@/utils/formatTime'
 import { defaultProps, handleTree } from '@/utils/tree'
-import TotalCustomerCount from './components/TotalCustomerCount.vue'
-import FollowupCount from './components/FollowupCount.vue'
-import FollowupType from './components/FollowupType.vue'
-import ConversionRate from './components/ConversionRate.vue'
-import CustomerCycle from './components/CustomerCycle.vue' 
+import CustomerSummary from './components/CustomerSummary.vue'
+import CustomerFollowupSummary from './components/CustomerFollowupSummary.vue'
+import CustomerFollowupType from './components/CustomerFollowupType.vue'
+import CustomerConversionStat from './components/CustomerConversionStat.vue'
+import CustomerDealCycle from './components/CustomerDealCycle.vue'
 defineOptions({ name: 'CrmStatisticsCustomer' })
@@ -105,41 +105,43 @@ const deptList = ref<Tree[]>([]) // 部门树形结构
 const userList = ref<UserApi.UserVO[]>([]) // 全量用户清单
 // 根据选择的部门筛选员工清单
 const userListByDeptId = computed(() =>
-  queryParams.deptId ? userList.value.filter((u: UserApi.UserVO) => u.deptId === queryParams.deptId) : []
+  queryParams.deptId
+    ? userList.value.filter((u: UserApi.UserVO) => u.deptId === queryParams.deptId)
+    : []
 // 活跃标签
-const activeTab = ref('totalCustomerCount')
+const activeTab = ref('customerSummary')
 // 1.客户总量分析
-const totalCustomerCountRef = ref()
+const customerSummaryRef = ref()
 // 2.客户跟进次数分析
-const followupCountRef = ref()
+const followupSummaryRef = ref()
 // 3.客户跟进方式分析
 const followupTypeRef = ref()
 // 4.客户转化率分析
-const conversionRateRef = ref()
+const conversionStatRef = ref()
 // 5.公海客户分析
 // 缺 crm_owner_record 表
 // 6.成交周期分析
-const customerCycleRef = ref()
+const dealCycleRef = ref()
 /** 搜索按钮操作 */
 const handleQuery = () => {
   switch (activeTab.value) {
-    case 'totalCustomerCount':
-      totalCustomerCountRef.value?.loadData?.()
+    case 'customerSummary':
+      customerSummaryRef.value?.loadData?.()
-    case 'followupCount':
-      followupCountRef.value?.loadData?.()
+    case 'followupSummary':
+      followupSummaryRef.value?.loadData?.()
     case 'followupType':
-    case 'conversionRate':
-      conversionRateRef.value?.loadData?.()
+    case 'conversionStat':
+      conversionStatRef.value?.loadData?.()
-    case 'customerCycle':
-      customerCycleRef.value?.loadData?.()
+    case 'dealCycle':
+      dealCycleRef.value?.loadData?.()