  <<< Author notes: Step 3 >>>
  Start this step by acknowledging the previous step.
  Define terms and link to docs.github.com.
  Historic note: previous version checked the homepage content was not empty.

## Step 3: Customize your homepage

_Nice work setting the theme! :sparkles:_

You can customize your homepage by adding content to either an `index.md` file or the `README.md` file. GitHub Pages first looks for an `index.md` file. Your repository has an `index.md` file so we can update it to include your personalized content.

### :keyboard: Activity: Create your homepage

1. Browse to the `index.md` file in the `my-pages` branch.
1. In the upper right corner, open the file editor.
1. Type the content you want on your homepage. You can use Markdown formatting on this page.
1. (optional) You can also modify `title:` or just ignore it for now. We'll discuss it in the next step.
1. Commit your changes to the `my-pages` branch.
1. Wait about 20 seconds then refresh this page (the one you're following instructions from). [GitHub Actions](https://docs.github.com/en/actions) will automatically update to the next step.