  <<< Author notes: Step 1 >>>
  Choose 3-5 steps for your course.
  The first step is always the hardest, so pick something easy!
  Link to docs.github.com for further explanations.
  Encourage users to open new tabs for steps!

## Step 1: Enable GitHub Pages

_Welcome to GitHub Pages and Jekyll :tada:!_

The first step is to enable GitHub Pages on this [repository](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/github-glossary#repository). When you enable GitHub Pages on a repository, GitHub takes the content that's on the main branch and publishes a website based on its contents.

### :keyboard: Activity: Enable GitHub Pages

1. Open a new browser tab, and work on the steps in your second tab while you read the instructions in this tab.
1. Under your repository name, click **Settings**.
1. Click **Pages** in the **Code and automation** section.
1. Ensure "Deploy from a branch" is selected from the **Source** drop-down menu, and then select `main` from the **Branch** drop-down menu.
1. Click the **Save** button.
1. Wait about _one minute_ then refresh this page (the one you're following instructions from). [GitHub Actions](https://docs.github.com/en/actions) will automatically update to the next step.
   > Turning on GitHub Pages creates a deployment of your repository. GitHub Actions may take up to a minute to respond while waiting for the deployment. Future steps will be about 20 seconds; this step is slower.
   > **Note**: In the **Pages** of **Settings**, the **Visit site** button will appear at the top. Click the button to see your GitHub Pages site.